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Plot Summary

Dead End In Norvelt

Jack Gantos
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Plot Summary

Dead End In Norvelt

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2011

Before You Read

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Super Short Summary

Dead End in Norvelt by Jack Gantos is set in 1962 and follows 11-year-old Jack in Norvelt, Pennsylvania, where he is grounded for the summer after an accident. Jack assists his elderly neighbor, Miss Volker, in writing unique obituaries that tie the deceased to historical events. Themes include memory, the past, death, change, and social class, with references to significant American historical moments. The book includes events related to murder and arson.

Reviews & Readership

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Review Roundup

Dead End in Norvelt by Jack Gantos is praised for its blend of humor, historical insight, and engaging narrative. Many reviewers appreciate the quirky characters and rich setting. Criticisms focus on the pacing, which some find uneven. Overall, it’s an enjoyable read that skillfully balances comic and serious tones.

Who should read this

Who Should Read Dead End In Norvelt?

A reader who would enjoy Dead End In Norvelt by Jack Gantos is likely a middle-grade student who appreciates quirky historical fiction, coming-of-age stories, and dark humor. Fans of Holes by Louis Sachar or Okay for Now by Gary D. Schmidt will find much to love in this witty and adventurous narrative.

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